SKU: BMV10000036

“With “Bordoza Data Logger” allows you to record data to SD card such as location, 3 axis gyro-acceleration-magnetic field, pressure, altitude, temperature and speed on your kite or rc aircraft etc. You can choose which speed to record; 5 Hz – 10Hz – 30Hz. You can make various configuration settings by connecting to the Data Logger via wifi from your phone or computer. You can power it with Type-C cable or Molex 2.50 mm connector or solderable power points.

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Key Features

  • Location sensor is Ublox Sam M8Q.
  • IMU sensor is BNO055.
  • Pressure and Tempreture sensor is MS5611-01BA03.
  • MCU is ESP32 S Module 16MB.
  • Regulator is TPS630702RNMT.

Technical Specifications

ItemData Logger V1.0
Voltage Supply3V – 16V
FunctionsRecord Data as a; Location, 3 axis gyroacceleration-magnetic field, pressure , altitude, temprature , speed.
Operating Temperature-40°C to +85°C
Board Dimensions 40 x 80 mm