TPIS1385 Presence Sensor

SKU: BBV10000022

It is a presence sensor from Excelitas. It detects presence status depending on temperature. It can detect human presence from up to 3 meters away. Communication is provided via the I2C protocol.

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Key Features

  •  Integrated 50 µW low-power signal processing.
  •  I2C interface (Default Address: 0x0C).
  •  Interrupt function for presence, motion, over-temperature and more.
  • High sensitivity thermopile with 120◦ field-of-view.

Technical Specifications

Voltage Supply 3.3V – 5V
Supply Current
High Sensitivity Presence Sensor
Operating Temperature

-20°C to 85°C
Board Dimensions 20 x 20 mm

Board Pinout

PIN NumberPIN NameDescription
1VCCPositive Power Supply
2SCLI2C Serial Clock Input
3SDA I2C Serial Data
4INTInterrupt Output
5GNDNegative Power Supply
PIN NumberPIN NameDescription
1PPS Time pulse signal
2N/F Shutdown control, keep high level during
3RST External reset input, internal pull-up, it must be
When HIGH level or floating, it is BDS+GPS.
(Actually this pin is 3.3V power pin, middle pin
is gps io pin; when you short-jumper it
together io pin will be HIGH. )
When LOW level, it is GPS+GLONASS.
(Actually this pin is GND power pin, middle pin
is gps io pin; when you short-jumper it
together io pin will be LOW. )