BMP280 Atmospheric Sensor

Raspberry Pi and Arduino-compatible fast and precise environmental sensor

Boardoza BMP280 Pressure Altitude Temperature Sensor I2C and SPI Interface Breakout Board is a Raspberry Pi and Arduino-compatible fast and precise environmental sensor that can measure temperature, pressure, and altitude. It’s simple but accurate (±1 hPa, ±1 °C, ±1 meter) and ideal for keeping track of temperatures around your home or even for measuring altitude in high-altitude balloon flights.

Technical Specifications

Power Input Type2317-04
Voltage Supply5V or 3.3V
FunctionsBarometer, Tempeature
Pressure range300/1100 hPa
Digital interfacesI2C (up to 3.4 MHz)
SPI (3 and 4 wire, up to 10 MHz)
Operating Temperature-40°C / +85°C
Board Dimensions20 x 20 mm

Board Spesific Properties

  • Enhancement of GPS navigation (e.g. time-to-first-fix improvement, dead-reckoning, slope detection).
  • Indoor navigation (floor detection, elevator detection).
    BMP280_Atmospheric_Sensor 2.
  • Outdoor navigation, leisure and sports applications Weather forecast.
    Health care applications (e.g. spirometry).
  • Vertical velocity indication (e.g. rise/sink speed).

Board Pinout

PIN NumberPIN NameDescription
2+5VPower Supply
3SDAI2C – Serial Data Line
4SCLI2C – Serial Clock Line
PIN NumberPIN NameDescription
2+5VPower Supply +5V
3+3V3Power Supply +3.3V
4SCKSPI 4W – Serial Clock Input
5SDOSPI 4W – Serial Data Output
6SDISPI 4W – Serial Data Input
7CSSPI 4W – Chip Select